Project Type
District High School
Kununurra WA, Australia
The $42.1m upgrade of the Kununurra District High School was required to provide modern facilities, structured to improve attendance and education outcomes of students.
Isolated, intensely hot with dry winters and very wet summers, Kununurra is embedded in an ancient landscape of red rock, spear grass and Boab trees. A place apart, like no other in Western Australia.
Six new buildings - a canteen, secondary block, sports hall, two primary blocks and a joint use library - have been strategically located to support the pedagogical model and encourage a greater sense of community engagement within the school and the community.
Building design is characterised by tropical mono-pitch roofs with wide overhangs and the application to walls of colours found in the surrounding country. Underpinned by an economy of means, colourful light weight materials have been used to realise simple dynamic forms designed and placed to engage with the cultural and environmental particulars of place.